Stormy seas photo from Lyme Regis

This photo epitomises stormy seas with its dark and heavy clouds looking down on fierce crashing waves. The coastline featured in this photo is of Lyme Regis in Dorset.

Gravity defying ant photo wins award

An astonishing photo of an ant defying gravity by carrying 100 times its own body weight has been crowned the best photo at a science photography competition.

The Asian weaver ant is hanging upside down on a glass-like surface holding a 500mg weight in its jaws.

It was taken by Dr Thomas Endlein of Zoology department at the University of Cambridge.

Space Shuttle Endeavour photographed

This photo from Nasa shows the space shuttle Endeavour. It was taken by an Expedition 22 crew member on board the international space station, as the shuttle approached for docking.

New World Trade Centre Collapse Photo

This photo, which captures the first trade centre in mid-collapse, is one of a series of new World Trade Centre photos released. They were taken by a helicopter circling above the scene on that fateful day in September 2001.

View more photos in this range from The Times.

Brighton West Pier Laser Photo

This photo was taken of the West Pier in Brighton, which was brought back to life with lasers for one night only. Click here for more on this Brighton News.